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Exploring the Valley of Fire State Park

Las Vegas is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations for many reasons. I’m actually very fond of the city since it makes for a fun weekend getaway with or without kids. But, there comes a time when one needs a break from all the glitz and neon lights. We’ve been going to Las Vegas for many years and multiple times a year but finally made it to the aptly named Valley of Fire State Park about 50 miles away recently. See what this unique natural wonder has to offer and why we can’t wait to return.

Valley of Fire State Park sign

The park was Nevada’s oldest state park. It was named for the red sandstone formations around the area that looked like they were on fire with the sun shining on them. These formations were the result of sand dunes shifting 150 million years ago. Erosion and forces of nature have contributed to the formation of the current landscape.

Valley of Fire State Park

It was an easy, non-descript drive through the desert to get to the Valley of Fire. Once we entered the park from the west, we clearly saw how the park got its name with the distinctive red rocks looming in the distance. We were here last September when the temperature was around 98ºF (36.7º C). It felt like we were walking into an oven as as soon as we stepped off the car so the name was also fitting. I don’t know what we were thinking! We thought we’d be in the car most of the time.

Valley of Fire State Park rock

It was such a surprise to see such a spectacular scenery of fiery red rocks rising from the road. The main road took us to some very interesting rock formations that almost looked like they belonged in an otherworldly landscape.

Valley of Fire State Park Highway

The first rock formations we stopped at were the Beehives. These unique sandstone formations really did look like giant beehives. They were examples of what’s called “geologic cross bedding” which were layers that have been deposited over time. The grooved lines going in different directions showed how the wind or water was moving when it deposited the material.

Beehives Valley of Fire State Park

There were other rock formations near here for visitors to climb. It was a great natural playground for the kids. The varied rock colors were just astounding.

Valley of Fire State Park with kids

Despite the rough surroundings, there were actually prehistoric visitors here who hunted, gathered food and performed religious ceremonies. They included the Basket Maker people, the Anasazi Pueblo Farmers from a nearby fertile valley. Atlatl Rock had wonderful examples of ancient rock art or petroglyphs made by some of these ancient people. The have been here for over 4,000 years. It was fun to try and decipher what the symbols meant.

Valley of Fire State Park petroglyphs

It was named due to depiction of an atlatl, which was a throwing stick, on the petroglyphs. We had to climb steel stairs to ge to the top to see the numerous petroglyphs. I’m glad there was a bit of a separation between the platform and the rocks so visitors can’t touch or destroy them.

Atlatl rock Valley of fire state park

Unfortunately, we saw these graffiti as well on some of the rocks elsewhere in the park. It’s infuriating how some people just can’t seem to enjoy the outdoors responsibly without leaving their mark.

Valley of Fire State Park graffiti

Arch Rock was nearby and wasn’t very big. If you weren’t really looking for it, you’d probably miss the sign. It was a small arch on top of a group of rocks.

Natural arch Valley of fire state park

Don’t miss the White Domes Scenic Drive. This led to the most northern part attraction are two large white stand stones. There was a scenic 1.5 mile trail here for hiking which we didn’t do. We definitely plan to go back in cooler weather to the park since we didn’t get to hike many of the trails due to the extreme temperature. Desert heat in the summer is brutal!

Valley of Fire State Park rock contrast

Along the scenic road was a unique combination of white sandstone, red rocks and the desert landscape. There were some pull outs and overlooks to enjoy the scenery and to let restless kids climb rocks or walk on short trails.

Valley of Fire State Park with kids

We drove to an overlook that provided a beautiful panoramic view of Fire Canyon’s fiery red sandstone rock formations. The Fire Canyon/Silica Dome area was one of my favorite spots. The varied colors were just amazing and we really got to see the diverse scenery and rock formations here.

Fire Canyon Valley of Fire

Near the East entrance which we used to actualy exit was the short 1/8 mile Arrowhead Trail led us to on of the park’s most popular formations – Elephant Rock. I guess you have to use your imagination a bit to see that it looked like an elephant. Do you see the elephant in the rocks?

Elephant Rock Valley of Fire State Park

One of the very few structures in the park is the Visitor’s Center. It was a great refuge from the heat within the air-conditioned building. There were restrooms here, a souvenir shop that sold snacks and limited beverages. Don’t miss the exhibits on the park’s history and geology which were very interesting.

We also go a close-up look at some of the desert plants that thrive in this harsh environment right outside the visitor’s center. I love blooming cacti and it’s always amazing to see these sturdy plants.

Valley of Fire State Park cacti

The Valley of Fire State Park was such a geologic wonder. Most of the formations can be viewed from the comforts of a nice, relaxing drive or can be explored further with hikes on well-maintained trails. It’s a small park but a great place to explore as a family even for just a few hours. My kids loved climbing and exploring the rock formations and little caves. This desert beauty was a wonderful diversion from Las Vegas’ hectic scene and crowds and definitely worth the drive even with the heat.

Nevada Valley of Fire State Park

Visiting Valley of Fire State Park Basics and Tips

  • Entrance fees $10 per vehicle per day and collected at fee booths or self-pay stations.
  • Park is open daily (except Christmas) from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
  • There were two entrances (East and West) to the park. The West is from visitors coming from I-15 while the East is by Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
  • If you’re visiting during the summer, temperatures can typically reach over 100ºF (37.8º C); Any time other than summers are ideal times for visiting. You can also go early or go late in the day to avoid the crowds and it may be a it cooler.
  • No lodging available except for first-come, first-serve campsites. RV camping is also available.
  • Gas up before you enter the park or as soon as you exit the freeway. There are no stations inside to fill up.
  • Bring plenty of water, snacks and food. There was no restaurant or convenience store here or even vending machines. There were a few shaded picnic areas. Water can be refilled at a portable water station inside the Visitor’s Center.

Have you visited the Valley of Fire State Park? Would you visit if you were in Las Vegas?

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Valley of Fire State Park

35 thoughts on “Exploring the Valley of Fire State Park”

  1. Aside from the obvious heat that permeates the region, just the color of the landscape screams hot, doesn’t it Mary? Your picture of the stairs leading up to the platform reminded me that parts of the movie Star Trek: Generations was filmed there! I hope all is well with all of you :)

    1. It certainly does, Mike. I think one of the trails said that one of the Star Trek movie or Tv episode was filmed there. Something for your movie trivia. I hope all is well with you too, Mike.

  2. Love those rock formations.Those symbols on the rocks would be interesting to decipher. With the 90 degree heat the author could have been begging for water…haha! Thanks for linking up this week. #TPThursday

  3. The surrounding Vegas areas have so much to offer and one would never think such natural wonders are near the strip and all its neon. I hope you get to explore this park soon.

  4. What a stunning place, so many shades of red! I was reading somewhere recently about some idiot who went around painting awful pictures on gorgeous places, and then linking them up to her social media sites… :/

  5. What a fascinating and beautiful landscape. And what a pity visitors can’t leave cave drawings to our ancestors. Do you know the name of the cacti by any chance; and do you know if their fruits are edible?

  6. This is the kind of place that would intrigue my geologist husband! I loved your pics and the rock formations make for some great angles – the first one looked like a Bunny rabbit. I bet it was hot though and as you say in the intense heat, best viewed from the cool of a car. Your tips were great too.

  7. This is sensational, Mary. We were in Las Vegas a few years ago, and my favourite part of the trip was seeing the area outside of the city. I wish I’d known about this state park – I would have loved to have seen it.

  8. Stunning photos! That heat sounds great right now as I am currently looking at snow out my window :) It frustrated me too just reading about the people that leave their own graffiti on the rocks. It’s such a shame that people feel the need to write all over them!

  9. I’ll definitely have to visit the Valley of Fire State Park on my next visit through Las Vegas. This is the type of scenery that speaks to me on so many levels.

  10. Hi Mary, your phoros of the Fire Valley are so fiery indeed. So stunning. I’ve seen many photo of this valley but it is the first time I saw a shot of the area with varied colors. It’s beautiful and looks almost like the Rainbow Mountain in China. Thaks for the lovely vivid tour of the valley, I make sure to check it out neext time I’m in Vegas.

  11. Stunning landscape! Wow! Those rock formations are so very stunning, though the high temperature would have been a bit uncomfortable. Love your pictures Mary :)

  12. Spectacular landscapes and the color is wonderful. Reminds of our Red Center in Australia. I did visit Las Vegas once and flew over the Grand Canyon, which does reflect some of the wonderful red colors,but not quite the fiery color of your pics. Next time I will have to visit the park.

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